
Monday, September 26, 2005


Kiwi accent blamed for ‘obscenity’

`A Christchurch beneficiary has complained to the State Services Commission after her Work and Income case manager allegedly left an obscenity on her voicemail.

Sickness beneficiary Andrea Metcalfe claims her case manager ended a message on her answerphone about her next appointment by calling her a “cunt”.

Work and Income has investigated and exonerated the case manager, saying the words she used were: “Thanks, ta.”

Social Development Ministry chief executive Peter Hughes blamed the New Zealand accent and audio “drop out” on its phone network for the confusion.

“The ministry’s phone system, while cutting edge, does experience drop outs,” he said. “This, coupled with a Kiwi accent, can result in words being swallowed. We believe what has been recorded is the hitting of the K and T.”‘

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