
Thursday, November 18, 2004


Hawke’s Bay woman breastfeeding her pet dog

`A Hawke’s Bay woman says she is breastfeeding her staffordshire bull terrier pup because she wants the dog to protect her baby girl as the pair grow up.

Kura “Kat” Tumanako said she started breastfeeding the pup after her own baby stopped taking her milk. Her nipples were too big for the baby and she had to pour her milk away.

“I didn’t want to waste it so I gave it to Honey Boy,” she said.’

One Response to “Hawke’s Bay woman breastfeeding her pet dog”

  1. Edward Johns Says:

    Theres nothing wrong in her wanting to breastfeed her little puppy. Its her choice and free will. The only risks are infection of her breasts and any likelihood of diseases transmitted. The little pup could be struggling to take in her entire nipple if too large for it.

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