
Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Model Naomi ‘queen of gobbledygook’

`Supermodel Naomi Campbell was acclaimed for nonsense overnight after winning the Plain English Campaign’s annual Foot in Mouth prize.

The London-born catwalk star scooped this year’s award for her patriotic observation on British cuisine: “I love England, especially the food. There’s nothing I like more than a lovely bowl of pasta.” [..]

Campbell beat Wales’s First Minister Rhodri Morgan to the dubious honour of the year’s best example of mixed metaphor, mangled syntax or plain stupidity, robbing him of a hat-trick of wins.

The Labour Party politician said in a Welsh Assembly debate: “But obviously the issue is that if you had another £450 million ($1.12 billion) from somewhere else, you have got another £450 million, but what does that tell you?

“That is like saying, if my auntie was a bloke, she would be my uncle.”‘

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