
Saturday, February 3, 2007


YouTube bride meltdown is a hoax

‘A video of a bride chopping her hair off during a meltdown an hour before her wedding — seen by more than 2 million viewers worldwide on YouTube — is a hoax.

Except that the 22-year-old aspiring actress, whose real name is Jodi Behan, really did cut her hair in the video filmed by Toronto-based Ryerson University grad Ingrid Hass. [..]

“I cannot believe all this,” Behan wrote in an email to the Toronto Star. “It’s embarrassing and exciting and overwhelming.”‘

follow up to: Bride Freaks Out And Cuts Off Her Hair

One Response to “YouTube bride meltdown is a hoax”

  1. Bride to be Says:

    where did you find this kind of videos

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