
Monday, March 5, 2007


1 million rounds of ammo, tunnel found in burning home

‘More than 1 million rounds of ammunition, a cache of weapons and a tunnel were found inside a man’s home after an explosive fire that forced a neighborhood evacuation, authorities said Friday.

Three 25-gallon containers filled with an unknown fluid were found in the tunnel, which began in the garage and stretched about 10 feet into the backyard. The fluid was being analyzed by hazardous material experts, said Norco Fire Department Battalion Chief Ron Knueven.

Firefighters responded to a blaze Thursday afternoon at the Norco home, about 45 miles east of Los Angeles, and found what was believed to be the largest amount of ammunition ever discovered in the county, authorities said.

The fire caused some of the ammunition to explode, forcing evacuation of the neighborhood and keeping firefighters at a distance. [..]’

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