
Saturday, January 29, 2005


18 Nurses Pregnant After Rest Home Viagra Party

`”It was supposed to be a morale booster — and now we’re out of business,” says Mary Stinson, a receptionist who lost her job when the owners of Merry Rest Retirement Home, in Los Angeles, announced they were shutting down under pressure from the State of California. [..]

Although there were plenty of elderly women the old guys could have lured into the sack, they went instead for curvy young nurses and aides, many of whom, it is reported, were drunk.

A spokesman for Merry Rest confirmed in a prepared statement that 18 employees are now pregnant and that DNA testing to match them with the fathers is now under way.’

3 Responses to “18 Nurses Pregnant After Rest Home Viagra Party”

  1. indir Says:

    Although there were plenty of elderly women the old guys could have lured into the sack, they went instead for curvy young nurses and aides, many of whom, it is reported, were drunk.

    A spokesman for Merry Rest confirmed in a prepared statement that 18 employees are now pregnant and that DNA testing to match them with the fathers is now under way.�

  2. Zack Benin Says:

    Nice post. It is clearly stated that alcohol can sometimes lead to destructive results. More likely, this situation wherein Viagra is being exposed. Poor nurses.

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