
Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Dracula 3000

Dracula 3000

‘Dracula 3000 is, supposedly, a sci-fi horror film. In practice, however, it appears to be the result of a collision of what little the director knew about those two genres, taken from what he could glean from his memory of 1970’s late night movies while his mother was out looking for a new daddy. Add in the extra challenge of trying to make a feature length film with a budget of fourteen dollars and a bag of black tar heroin, and the resulting mess is neither thought provoking, nor exciting, nor frightening, nor any other qualities that could distinguish it from ninety minutes spent looking at, say, a real-time map of local traffic conditions.’

The shockwave clips from the movie are fantastic. 🙂 It’s not every day you hear the phrase “ejaculate all over your bazongas” in a movie.

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