
Friday, November 11, 2005


Pathetic Personals

`These are real personal ads found in cyberspace. Some have been edited because of excessive length, but a majority are simply cut and pasted as is. All of the ads you read on PP are from actual people who could potentially make babies.’

Contains gems such as:

`I don’t have a lazy eye as it appears in my photo. That bugs me because the original is not like that. Anyway, I am single and intelligent ready to commit to the man of my dreams. I have a zest for life and all that it has to offer. Don’t like alot of negativity; plenty of that on my job. I am a 100 percenter who knows what it takes to be in a relationship. [..]

well letssee im a white male im 63,220lbs brown hair and eyes.Im a milk truck driver real exciting not!! [..]

I am an inventor of a machine that turns waste thngs into “energy products” – my new machine- process has ZERO emissions– only energy out…. I need a woman in my life. I perfur a non-fat woman who loves to be hugged and has a good sense of humor. I like all the normal boy and girl stuff.. I like to cook…. and have sex too! ( not at the same time?)’

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