
Tuesday, December 20, 2005


The Problem with God: Interview with Richard Dawkins

This guys is cool. Says some good things:

`If it’s true that it causes people to feel despair, that’s tough. It’s still the truth. The universe doesn’t owe us condolence or consolation; it doesn’t owe us a nice warm feeling inside. If it’s true, it’s true, and you’d better live with it.

[..] Wouldn’t it be lovely to believe in an imaginary friend who listens to your thoughts, listens to your prayers, comforts you, consoles you, gives you life after death, can give you advice? Of course it’s satisfying, if you can believe it. But who wants to believe a lie?’

3 Responses to “The Problem with God: Interview with Richard Dawkins”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    You can choose now or see what happens later. God is very real and He loves you!! I would hate to think of life without Him, after all what is the point of life without God? Are you just born to die? Whats the point?

  2. moonbuggy Says:

    Who says there has to be a point? Yes, you are born just to die. Believe whatever you want, but it makes no difference.

    I could worship a mouldy lump of cheese and call it religion. It would be just as valid.

    The mouldy cheese is very real, and it loves you.

  3. Cozz Says:

    God and his enemy the Devil. Evil is real, can you not see the evils of the world, oh yea, evil blinds the mind so you cant see that it is evil. What is the most evil thing on this planet? To have DEATH upon your soul! Thank God that he died for are sins. (Jesus Christ is God in the flesh to tell us that we are evil creaturs worthy of death but his Love that he has for us, he took on death for us.) The God of heavens is a God of Judgement, Mercy and Faith, he is the Lord of the Sabbath. God loves you and you want to hate him, it is not wise to hate the maker of you. Dont trust no man, trust God and his King James Bible (other Bibles are tamper with evil). Stop listing to man, read your Bible for your self to believe or not to believe. Its your choice? The Bible tells you the truth of the things not seen. May the Lord of the Sabbath (not Sunday Worshipers) Bless you with Wisdom

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