
Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Frogman invades bedroom

`A jilted romeo is accused of launching an elaborate land and sea operation to dispose of his male competition – breaking into the man’s luxurious canal-front home on the Gold Coast and stabbing him with a fishing knife before chasing the naked couple through the mansion. [..]

Corfield and Gentry, who became live-in lovers just weeks before the February 2003 attack and are now engaged, had been lying in bed about 10pm when Arroyo, dressed in a wetsuit and holding a large knife, allegedly appeared in their bedroom. [..]

Mr Fuller showed the jury what appeared to be a timeline, or to-do list, that was later found in Arroyo’s Main Beach apartment which contained a list of items including “crowbar for door”, “wetsuit” and “snorkel”. The word “kill” was among the jottings.’

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