
Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Woman, 75, dies after prolong sex with man, 30

`Madam Suametor Denou, 75, died after one Robert Ashitey, 30, had allegedly subjected her to a gruelling bout of sexual intercourse last Monday at Batorme, a suburb of Aflao. Ashitey, fisherman, whose plea was not taken when he appeared before the circuit court at Aflao on a provisional charge of murder was remanded until February 15.

[..] about 09:30 hours on January 15, this year, the witness arrived with food for Madam Denou but to her astonishment saw Ashitey in serious copulation with her.

Mrs Assan said not even the witness’s shout could compel Ashitey to stop the act, until the witness hit him on the forehead with a stick forcing him to take to his heels.’

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