
Saturday, April 14, 2007


Climate change concert star Madonna accused of hypocrisy

‘The stars of a major Live 8-style concert to raise awareness of climate change have been condemned as hypocrites for failing to lead environmentally friendly lives themselves. [..]

“Madonna’s Confessions tour produced 440 tonnes of CO2 in four months of last year. And that was just the flights between the countries, not taking into account the truckloads of equipment needed, the power to stage such a show and the transport of all the thousands of fans getting to the gigs.

“The Red Hot Chili Peppers produced 220 tonnes of CO2 with their private jet alone over six months on their last world tour which was 42 dates.

“The average a British person produces is 10 tonnes a year,” said John Buckley, managing director-of CarbonFootprint.com.’

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