
Thursday, May 10, 2007


Loose Dog Told Where To Go

‘Police are seeking the vandals who spray-painted the words “Go Home” on a Samoan Shepherd who enjoys wandering, unleashed, though its Idaho neighborhood. As seen in the below evidence photos, the dog, named Wiley, had one word painted on each side of his body. According to a Bannock County Sheriff’s Department report, Wiley’s owner called cops late last month after discovering her dog “had been spray painted with gang graffiti.” Actually, it appears that the ambulating animal wasn’t tagged by an Idaho Blood or Crip, but rather by some annoyed neighbor or juvenile delinquent. A sheriff’s deputy advised Wiley’s owner, Marilyn Hardenbrook, to keep the dog in her own yard (and under her control while the pooch was “out and about”).’

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