
Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Rudd strip club visit sparks rash of confessions

‘The confessions came thick and fast from other politicians after Mr Rudd’s revelations.

First, Defence Minister Brendan Nelson admitted he visited a strip club almost 30 years ago.

“I remember being at one when I was 20, in Adelaide,” he said on ABC radio in Adelaide. [..]

Then Victorian Premier John Brumby suggested strip clubs were the only reason people visited Sydney.

“The last time I attended a strip place would have probably been in the 1970s, when I was a student, I think if my memory’s correct it was probably in Sydney,” he said. [..]

Queensland Government ministers were falling over themselves to fess up and even Deputy Premier Anna Bligh owned up to a bit of mischief.’

Followup to Rudd visits strippers.

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