
Thursday, November 8, 2007


Stripper spanked schoolboy in classroom as mum’s birthday prank went too far

‘Most parents like to pull out all the stops to make a child’s 16th birthday as memorable as possible.

But having a female stripper surprise your son in front of his teacher in class would not feature on many wish-lists.

Yet that’s what happened when one woman booked a special performer for her son’s big day.

She stipulated that the surprise take place in drama class – and even asked the teacher to film it so the family could see the boy’s reaction.

But – thanks to what has been put down as a booking error – a female stripper turned up in place of the gorilla-suited man the unnamed mother had apparently asked for.

The stripper, who arrived on cue halfway through the lesson, first walked the birthday boy around the classroom on all fours.

Then, gyrating to the sounds of Britney Spears, she spanked him before stripping down to her bra and knickers and insisting the “naughty” schoolboy rub cream all over her body. [..]

“To be fair to the teacher, you could tell she was just stunned – and when the cream came out she told the stripper: ‘That’s it. That’s enough’.”‘

One Response to “Stripper spanked schoolboy in classroom as mum’s birthday prank went too far”

  1. kurye Says:

    Stripper spanked schoolboy in classroom as mum’s birthday prank went too far – moonbuggy great article thank you.

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