Thursday, April 10, 2008


10,000 random images and counting

I just passed 10,000 images hosted on the image site. There’s shitloads of stuff there now, and it’s good. 🙂

Judging by the various sites I source images from, my image site is now one of the larger sites of its type on the internet. [Photobucket and the like don’t count, is my theory. :)]

Go and have a look, because you know love it. And so does your mother.

2 Responses to “10,000 random images and counting”

  1. Terry Says:

    I’ve spent a few hours on your image site before, it is very good. Thanks for compiling it.
    I check it out again when I have hours to spare.

  2. moonbuggy Says:

    I’m glad you like it. 🙂 It’s taken huge amounts of my time the last few months searching for images I like [and a few disgusting/offensive ones just for a bit of mischief :)] and I’m fairly happy with it too. 🙂

    Do you know how many pictures of cats there are on the internet tho? I’m sure I’ve seen 100,000 cats in the last few months. It’s driving me insane. 🙂

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