
Sunday, April 9, 2006


Mint money ‘walked out in boots’

`A man smuggled half a tonne of $2 coins out of the Royal Australian Mint in his boots and lunch box and kept notes of when he exchanged the money, a court has been told.
The theft has forced a major security upgrade at the Mint, which produces 10 million coins every week.

William Grzeskowiac, 48, of Monash, today pleaded guilty in the ACT Magistrates Court to dishonestly appropriating the money between April 2005 and February this year.

The court heard Grzeskowiac carried more than 77,000 coins worth $155,000 out of the Mint over 10 months, avoiding detection by the facility’s inadequate security system.’

2 Responses to “Mint money ‘walked out in boots’”

  1. Kyle Says:

    Ok, I thought it said half a ton at one time. That would be ridiculous. Totally and utterly ridiculous. Not to mention impossible.

    – Kyle (The Zgeek one)

  2. moonbuggy Says:

    Hey, thanks for visiting Kyle. 🙂

    Yeah, that would be ridiculous. The article says he would take $600 worth of coins at a time tho, and that’s 300 coins at a go. Even that number seems pretty crazy. I don’t know that I could fit 150 $2 coins into each of my shoes.

    I keep picturing him strolling around the mint in clown style shoes. 🙂 Size 28 or something. 🙂

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