
Monday, March 19, 2007


Doctor Brands Patient’s Uterus

‘A Kentucky woman sued her a doctor for branding her uterus with the initials of his alma mater during an operation to remove the organ.

Stephanie Means alleged that while Dr. James Guiler performed the hysterectomy at Central Baptist Hospital in Lexington, he “used a cauterizing instrument to intentionally brand the letters ‘UK,’ approximately 4-5 cm in height, on Plaintiff Stephanie Means’s uterus.”

Means’s lawsuit noted that since she and her husband were apprehensive about the surgery, Guiler filmed the procedure and gave the couple a copy of the videotape, which, the Fayette Circuit Court lawsuit stated, “clearly showed the instrument being used to brand Stephanie’s uterus.”‘

This actually happened in 2003 or so, but now here’s the video of the branding.

(728kB Quicktime)

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