
Monday, May 21, 2007


The baby born with half a brain

‘Chase Smith is your typical, cute toddler. She loves to play with her friends at nursery, snuggle up with her mummy and cuddle her teddy.

Yet the two-year-old is different from her playmates in one incredible way — she was born with half her brain missing.

Stephanie Jepson, 21, and her partner Adam Smith, 20, only found out about their daughter’s condition when a strange series of symptoms revealed her shocking condition.

As Chase’s incredible scan on the right reveals, she has no left side to her brain.

The condition is so rare medics do not know what the future holds. [..]

Doting mum Stephanie says: “There are moments in your life you never forget. For me one came when a doctor flicked on the switch of a lightbox to show me a scan of the inside of my little girl’s head.”‘

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