
Friday, December 15, 2006


Wisconsin Hunter Bags Deer With 7 Legs

`Rick Lisko hunts deer with a bow but got his most unusual one driving his truck down his mile-long driveway. The young buck had nub antlers — and seven legs. Lisko said it also had both male and female reproductive organs. “It was definitely a freak of nature,” Lisko said. “I guess it’s a real rarity.” [..]

When he looked at the animal, he noticed three- to four-inch appendages growing from the rear legs. Later, he found a smaller appendage growing from one of the front legs.

“It’s a pretty weird deer,” he said, describing the extra legs as resembling “crab pinchers.” [..]

“And by the way, I did eat it,” Lisko said. “It was tasty.”‘

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