Wednesday, August 3, 2005


Woman Blames Newspaper Typo For Apartment Theft

`Bryan told KMBC’s Donna Pitman that she returned home after work and saw strangers loading up her belongings into their vehicle. When she asked what they were doing, they showed her a classified ad in the newspaper. The public notice stated that all things at 1319 Tennessee St., Apt. 3 would be thrown away if unclaimed.

“It was just a real shock!” Bryan said. “I was freaking out. I told them that’s my apartment — there’s been some mistake.”

Pitman reported that it was a one-digit mistake — the newspaper ad should have read 1339 Tennessee St. The ad was placed because a woman in that home passed away and no one had claimed her belongings.

Bryan said the people she confronted returned her things, but unfortunately, her TV, DVD player, movies, furniture and a 7-week-old kitten had already been taken from her apartment..’

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