
Thursday, March 1, 2007


Boy, 4, killed after sledding into traffic

‘A 4-year-old Redwood City boy was struck and killed by a sport utility vehicle after sledding down a driveway and into traffic in Truckee, police said today.

Kunal Mohindroo was playing with his parents in the snowy driveway Saturday when he slid into the street and was struck by the SUV, which was driven by a 38-year-old Burlingame man, said Lt. Randy Fenn of the Truckee police.

“As I understand it, they’d been doing this for a while and there had been no problems,” Fenn said. “He was riding the sled up and down the driveway. At one point, he slid out in the street and got past his parents.”‘

2 Responses to “Boy, 4, killed after sledding into traffic”

  1. Z Says:

    Natural selection.

  2. Y Says:

    Z, you disgust me. I was there. It was not natural selection, or any intervention by a devine entity, it was a terrible accident.

    Go to your mother, show her your comment, I hope she laps you round the head. If you’re over 18, you should know better.

    I hope you never have to go through anything like this.

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