
Friday, March 16, 2007


Comic book used to warn Hispanics about dangers of statutory rape

‘Public health advocates are turning to a new medium to combat statutory rape among Hispanics in Virginia: A comic book warning that sex between teenage girls and older men risks pregnancy or arrest.

The effort grew out of a 2004 rape-prevention campaign that emblazoned the question “Isn’t she a little young?” on everything from billboards to napkins.

To adapt that message for Hispanics, officials created a fotonovela, a type of Latino comic book featuring themes of love and betrayal.

“Getting males to challenge their peers about having sex with teens is hard in any culture,” said Robert Franklin, an outreach coordinator with the state health department. He said a one-size-fits-all approach wouldn’t work. “I can’t just translate ‘Isn’t she a little young?’ into Spanish.”‘

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