
Monday, February 4, 2008


Beastiality And The Internet

So, a month or two back BeastTube went offline. I linked to a long time ago ’cause it was a strange and funny thing. Since BeastTube went down, I seem to have become some sort of internet authority on beastiality.. As far as the search engines are concerned, atleast.

Is it bad that the most popular thing on this entire website is about fucking dogs? 34,429 dog fuckers can’t be wrong. 🙂

Now all I need to do is convince the sexy dog fucking women that I’m more attractive than a St Bernard and I’m set. The non-sexy dog fucking women can keep their canines. See if I care. 🙂

13 Responses to “Beastiality And The Internet”

  1. I hate society Says:

    damn straight

  2. L Says:

    we are all so proud of you buggy 🙂

  3. moonbuggy Says:

    Thanks L. 🙂

  4. Anthronyx Says:

    LOL, Buggy, you’re awesome man.

  5. dogcocksucker Says:

    LOL..i come to this moonbuggy site every day now to see how my fellow beasties are doing…..and what new sights are available since beasttube went down…….zooskool should be back soon…so let’s hope that happens soon…..

  6. moonbuggy Says:

    dogcocksucker, that’s the best thing I’ve heard in days. 🙂 I’m very glad you find my site useful. 🙂

    I hope life brings you all the dog cock you can fit in your mouth. Well done. 🙂

  7. I hate society Says:

    I come for many things, this site has just about everything

    Right now my personal favorite is the drunken Spartan 😉

  8. I hate society Says:

    it looks like the post saying that the post about fucking animals is the most popular is actually going to be the second most popular, whats up with that

    ps this post talking about the post saying that the post talking about fucking animals is the most popular and that it is actually going to be the second most popular post is supposed to be a confusing post, just thought you should know 😛

  9. moonbuggy Says:

    I’m glad you like the site aswell, I hate society. I really liked the drunken Spartan too. 🙂

    I don’t know what to make of your post about popularity, so I choose to make nothing of it for now and will just sail right by it. 🙂

    I’ve been putting a lot of time into the image site lately, and not really updating this one as much as I used to. [sigh] Still, trying to put up a bit of content every day.

  10. I hate society Says:

    I hadnt been able to find the image thing until recently… 🙁
    The popularity thing is supposed to be confusing mwahahahahahahahaha

  11. moonbuggy Says:

    Yeah, the link to the image site from the main site is just a tiny little thing on the sidebar. I’m going to move it to a more visible part of the page, eventually. I’ve got some other stuff I wanna code first tho, but I’ve been procrastinating for months on that one. [sigh] 🙂

  12. dog fuckin slut Says:

    beast tube may no longer exist, but does!

  13. Tula Says:

    I really enjoyed reading your insights and learning from your interesting and informative article. – Tula

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