
Sunday, March 30, 2008


Creative Lab’s Message to Daniel_K

Apparently Creative sound cards barely work in Windows vista, and Creative won’t make drivers for them.

“If we choose to develop and provide host-based processing features with certain sound cards and not others, that is a business decision that only we have the right to make.”

Some clever fellow has been writing his own drivers that have make the cards work as they should, but creative aren’t happy about it. Intellectual property and all that.

What follows is many forum pages worth of people telling Creative they’re stupid and claiming they’re never buying a Creative sound card again.

“My god, you guys got some balls on you, either that or you’r all bordeline mad.”

Hilarious. 🙂

2 Responses to “Creative Lab’s Message to Daniel_K”

  1. jimmi Says:

    What kind of statement is that supposed to be?

    & borderline mad? I’m euphemistically furious!

    Basically he’s saying if they want to sell you something, and then make the functionality of that product useless(by disabling the associated drivers), then we can if we feel its in our financial interests to do so(to get you to buy more of our stuff)… Which is what they did to many people, at the same time advertising on the package that their products work with Vista OS, WHEN THEY DON”T!!! They want you to come back to pay additionally for the new model with the “appropriate” functionality. When it is totally capable in the first thing you purchased. Hmmm, Great Business practice there….

    No borderline stupidity circling that notion, its a complete atrocity of moral character.

  2. jimmi Says:

    Well, 1st post had html markers that deleted the quotations… So here again…

    ~“My god, you guys got some balls on you, either that or you’r all bordeline mad.”~

    What kind of statement is that supposed to be?

    & borderline mad? I’m euphemistically furious!

    ~“If we choose to develop and provide host-based processing features with certain sound cards and not others, that is a business decision that only we have the right to make.”(by: Phil, VP of communications, CREATIVE LABS)~

    Basically he’s saying if they want to sell you something, and then make the functionality of that product useless(by disabling the associated drivers), then we can if we feel its in our financial interests to do so(to get you to buy more of our stuff)… Which is what they did to many people, at the same time advertising on the package that their products work with Vista OS, WHEN THEY DON”T!!! They want you to come back to pay additionally for the new model with the “appropriate” functionality. When it is totally capable in the first thing you purchased. Hmmm, Great Business practice there….

    No borderline stupidity circling that notion, its a complete atrocity of moral character.

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