
Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Unable To Breathe, Man Performs Self-Tracheotomy

‘An Omaha man saved a life, his own life by getting the courage to turn a knife on himself and perform a tracheotomy.

Steve Wilder has faith in God and after a near death experience last week he has a lot of faith in himself. “I was scared to death. I was thinking about dying.”

Just after midnight, Wilder found himself in a dead sleep. Dead because he woke up and couldn’t breathe, his air passage swollen shut

“It just blocked all the way and I just got up and I panicked!” The 55-year-old Wilder, who didn’t think he had time to call and wait for help, faced an unimaginable choice. Either lie there and suffocate to death or take matters into his own hands with a steak knife. [..]’

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