
Tuesday, April 4, 2006


‘John’ Needs Operation After Hooker Bites Penis For Non-Payment

`A hooker who bit her client’s penis reportedly so hard that he required an operation has denied grievous bodily harm with intent, according to a report from the UK.

Prosecutor Matthew McNiff told the jury Louise Jowett carried out the attack because Brett O’Leary told her he had no additional money to dispense after already paying her for sex, reports the Cambridge News.

It was alleged that afterwards she asked O’Leary for more cash, becoming more aggressive as her requests continued. While performing a sex act on O’Leary he told her he did not have any more cash.

McNiff said she grabbed his penis and took it in her mouth and gripped it between her teeth. He said: “She bit hard. She bit very hard. This caused what Mr O’Leary described as indescribable pain.”‘

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