
Saturday, January 7, 2006


Pupils “disgusted” by nude photoshoot in Swedish school

`Pupils at a school in Stockholm got a shock this Christmas when they burst in on a soft-porn photoshoot – in the school gym.

The girls’ basketball team was confronted by a heavily made-up woman wearing only a thong, a short camisole and high heels, and smoking a cigarette.

“Get out of here – we’re busy,” she shrieked at the children, according to tabloid Expressen. [..]

“The idea was to create a kind-of cheerleader atmosphere,” FHM editor Tobias Wickström told Aftonbladet. [..]

The school is carrying out an investigation into what happened, and headteacher Ingela Fondin refused to comment, but Wickström said he didn’t understand what the fuss was all about, adding that the pictures looked “fantastic”.’

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