Archive for July, 2007


Monday, July 30, 2007


Awesome Football Trick Play

Coach, it’s the wrong ball!

(1.8meg Flash video)

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1,000 Person World’s Largest Restroom

‘The World’s Largest Restroom is in Chong Qing, China and oddly enough, is made from all recycled waste and materials.

Some urinals are uniquely shaped, including ones inside open crocodile mouths and several that are topped by the bust of a woman resembling the Virgin Mary.

As seen below the design of the restroom is quite unique with an Egyptian theme and elaborate decoration.’

Followup to China Public Restroom Has 1,000 Stalls, with images.

Arrest Made In Lemonade Stand Robbery

‘Oshkosh Police have a 17-year-old teen in custody in connection with the robbery of a lemondade stand.

Police arrested the boy Wednesday night on pending charges of robbery and physical abuse of a child.

Oshkosh Police say the teen punched and robbed 11-year-old Austin Cundy of $20.00 and his wallet while he was running a lemonade stand Tuesday afternoon.’

16kg of crystal meth found in marble tables

‘Two men have been charged with attempting to smuggle 16kg of the illicit drug ice into Australia hidden in two marble tables. [..]

Customs officers at Sydney Air Cargo discovered the drugs on July 10 after selecting for examination two packages which had arrived from Vancouver, Canada.

An X-ray of the packages aroused suspicion of a possible concealment and prompted Customs officers to drill a hole in the marble slab.

They found white powder inside.’


Meditators have good vibes on stocks

‘U.S. stocks had a tough week with the Dow Jones Industrial Average suffering its worst one-week point drop in five years, but a group of meditators promise their good vibrations will send the index past 17,000 within a year.

A group called the Invincible America Assembly made that claim and more Friday, insisting they have America’s prosperity under control and their positive vibes will bring fewer hurricanes and better U.S.-North Korean relations.

Through group transcendental meditation the assembly — which has 1,800 people meditating daily in Iowa since it was formed in July 2006 — releases harmonious waves which benefit all aspects of U.S. life, spokesman Bob Roth told Reuters. [..]

The group takes credit for, among other things: the Dow Jones Industrial Average reaching a record high of 14,022 last week, unemployment rates falling to a six-year low at 4.5 percent, and North Korea shutting down its nuclear reactor.’

Television news helicopters collide while following police chase in Phoenix; 4 dead

‘Two news helicopters covering a police chase on live television collided and crashed to the ground Friday, killing all four people on board in a plunge that viewers saw as a jumble of spinning, broken images.

Both helicopters went down in a park in central Phoenix and caught fire. No one on the ground was hurt.

TV viewers did not actually witness the accident because cameras aboard both aircraft were pointed at the ground. But they saw video from one of the helicopters break up and begin to spin before the station abruptly switched to the studio. [..]

Rick Gotchie, an air conditioning contractor, was working nearby when he noticed the helicopters overhead. He said they began circling closer as he continued watching, and one appeared to get too close to the other.’

(2.2meg Flash video)

see it here »


Sunday, July 29, 2007


Drunk Guy Goes Insane

(4.7meg Flash video)

see it here »


Accused Grave Robbers Dodge Sex Charges

‘Three men who dug up a young woman’s corpse to have sex with it after seeing her obituary photo cannot be charged with attempted sexual assault because Wisconsin has no law against necrophilia, an appeals court ruled Thursday.

A judge was correct to dismiss the charges against twin brothers Nicholas and Alexander Grunke and Dustin Radke, all 21, because lawmakers never intended to criminalize sex with a corpse, the District 4 Court of Appeals said in a 3-0 ruling.

The three men went to a cemetery in Cassville in southwestern Wisconsin on Sept. 2 to remove the body of Laura Tennessen, 20, who had been killed the week before in a motorcycle crash.’


Rubber Gadget Teaches You How to Smile

‘The Beauty Smile Trainer is basically a mouthpiece, but it’s designed specifically to make your smile wider and more amicable than the one you already have. It’s even endorsed by a cosmetic dentist (the woman on the top left.) In addition to improving your smile, the product promises to reduce facial sagging, making your countenance more firm and petite.’


Counseling number connects girl to sex chat site

‘The state attorney general’s office removed the toll-free number for a sexual assault counseling center from its Web site after an 8-year-old girl was connected instead to a sex chat line. [..]

On Sunday, the girl approached her mother and said she wanted to talk. Carter decided to call the toll-free number she found in the phonebook hoping the operators would offer advice to her daughter. She said she handed her daughter the phone and walked away to give her privacy.

“I come back a few seconds later and she has this look on her face of surprise and then horror and then her eyes start tearing up,” Carter said. “I never thought in my wild’s dreams that she would get a sex line. I was trying to help my daughter.”‘


Sex for the motherland: Russian youths encouraged to procreate at camp

‘Remember the mammoths, say the clean-cut organisers at the youth camp’s mass wedding. “They became extinct because they did not have enough sex. That must not happen to Russia”.

Obediently, couples move to a special section of dormitory tents arranged in a heart-shape and called the Love Oasis, where they can start procreating for the motherland.

With its relentlessly upbeat tone, bizarre ideas and tight control, it sounds like a weird indoctrination session for a phoney religious cult.

But this organisation – known as “Nashi”, meaning “Ours” – is youth movement run by Vladimir Putin’s Kremlin that has become a central part of Russian political life.’


Aussie priest swears like a sailor

‘A shocking onfrontation between a Melbourne Catholic priest and a group of trespassing skateboarders has led to calls for the clergyman to have anger management counselling.

The ugly footage, which was posted on a social networking site about a year ago, shows Reverend Monsignor Geoffrey Baron, Dean of St Patrick’s Cathedral, chasing off a group of skateboarders while both sides exchange obscene and racist insults.’

(7.6meg Flash video)

see it here »

Pants, wallet lost in sexual encounter

‘A Kenmore man told Buffalo police that his pants and wallet were stolen while he was in a Johnson Park apartment late Sunday night for a sexual encounter with a woman.

The man said he thought it would be free of charge, but a second woman entered the apartment and took his pants and wallet, demanding that he pay for “services rendered.”

When the man pursued the second woman out of the apartment to get his wallet back, he was confronted by a man who threatened him, police were told. All three suspects then fled in a four-door maroon sedan. The wallet contained debit and credit cards as well as the man’s house and car keys.’

Boy Has Unusual Passion For Vacuums

‘”When Kyle was a baby in his little baby seat and I’d be vacuuming, he would just be mesmerized by the vacuum and he would just; he’d follow it everywhere,” she says.

Kyle got his first vacuum at age 1, dressed up as a Dirt Devil for Halloween at 2, and, as a former teacher recalls, was vacuuming during school recess at age 6.

“It’s not that he didn’t like recess. He just preferred to stay inside vacuuming,” he says. “He would go down and, actually, one day vacuum one side of the room, the next day vacuum the other side. [He’d] also vacuum the principal’s office — anywhere he could vacuum.”

Today, Kyle has 165 vacuums. He uses almost all of them, vacuuming his own house up to five times a day.’

Man Offered Cash To Drown Kids For Sex Thrill

‘A man from Ohio is accused of offering a Florida mother hundreds of dollars to “dunk” and torture her children under water in order to satisfy a bizarre sexual fetish.

Jeff Doland, of Uniontown, Ohio, was arrested by authorities after he flew to Miami, believing he was going to meet a mother of two girls, ages 9 and 12 years old, to pay her $550 to forcibly submerge the children under water until they became unconscious, officials said.

During multiple Internet conversations, Doland told the woman, an undercover agent with the U.S. Secret Service, that “dunking” was his particular form of sexual gratification. [..]

Doland claimed online that he “liked watching the bubbles” [..]’

Climate Engineering Is Doable, as Long as We Never Stop

‘New research indicates that hacking the atmosphere — pumping microscopic particles into the stratosphere or clouds to block sunlight and offset global warming caused by greenhouse gases — is imminently possible. The problem is we could never, ever stop doing it.

Climate scientists Damon Matthews of Concordia University and Ken Caldeira of Stanford ran the numbers on atmospheric geo-engineering through a climate simulation and found that while cranking out carbon dioxide at business-as-usual rates we can geo-engineer our way back toward pre-industrial temperatures in short order, reaching 1900 levels in about five years. Not only that, it would be fairly cheap and easy to do.

Pumping 20 to 25 liters of aerosols per second to keep enough particles in the stratosphere would cool temperatures, causing the planet’s carbon sinks to suck more carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.

“That kind of flow rate can be handled by a single fire hose,” said Caldeira. “For something like $100 million a year you could probably keep a hose in the stratosphere suspended by an array of balloons with pumps along the way.”

The problem is what happens if we stop short or screw it up.’


Guy Passes Out On Merry Go Round

‘Watch the guy in the light blue shirt, as the mini merry go round twirls faster and faster he begins to slowly pass out until he flat out loses consciousness and becomes dead weight.’

(2.6meg Flash video)

see it here »

5 of the largest, oddest and most useless state projects

‘1. Dumb as a limestone brick: Indiana’s misguided bid for tourists

The great idea: Turn a small Midwestern town into a tourist mecca for lovers of limestone block.

The great big problem: Limestone block is not as big a draw as you might think.

Cost to taxpayers: $700,000

Despite being the undisputed “Limestone Capital of the World,” Bedford, Indiana, always had a hard time figuring out how to parlay its claim to fame into a thriving tourism industry. That is, until Bedford Chamber of Commerce member Merle Edington came up with a brilliant plan.

In the late 1970s, Edington proposed that Bedford build a Disney-style theme park. But, instead of cartoon characters, the park’s main attraction would be limestone, featuring a 95-foot-high replica of the Great Pyramid of Cheops built out of (you guessed it) local limestone blocks.

And, on the off chance that a scale model of one world wonder wouldn’t be exciting enough, Edington added plans for an 800-foot-long replica of the Great Wall of China.

While the power of limestone over the vacationing public is debatable, Edington convinced the Commerce Department’s Economic Development Administration to believe in his dream — to the tune of $700,000.

Unfortunately, those funds dried up quickly, thanks to Wisconsin senator William Proxmire (famous for his “Golden Fleece Awards” ridiculing government waste), who called attention to the project. The town was left deep in debt, unable to even pay Edington’s salary. Today, the abandoned project is little more than a giant rock pile.’


UK wanted US to rule out Bin Laden torture

‘Ministers insisted that British secret agents would only be allowed to pass intelligence to the CIA to help it capture Osama bin Laden if the agency promised he would not be tortured, it has emerged.

MI6 believed it was close to finding the al-Qaida leader in Afghanistan in 1998, and again the next year. The plan was for MI6 to hand the CIA vital information about Bin Laden. Ministers including Robin Cook, the then foreign secretary, gave their approval on condition that the CIA gave assurances he would be treated humanely. The plot is revealed in a 75-page report by parliament’s intelligence and security committee on rendition, the practice of flying detainees to places where they may be tortured.

The report criticises the Bush administration’s approval of practices which would be illegal if carried out by British agents. It shows that in 1998, the year Bin Laden was indicted in the US, Britain insisted that the policy of treating prisoners humanely should include him. But the CIA never gave the assurances.’


Full swimming pool stolen, not a drop spilled

‘Daisy Valdivia is annoyed that someone stole her backyard pool — and baffled at how they did it without leaving behind a splash, drip or trace of the 1,000 gallons of water it contained.

Valdivia awoke to find her family’s hip-high, inflatable, 10-foot diameter swimming pool gone from her back yard Wednesday.

Valdivia told The Record of Bergen County the theft must have occurred between 1 a.m., when her husband went to bed, and 5 a.m., when she awoke.

She’s amazed someone could steal the pool that quickly and just wanted to know “what the heck they did with the water,” she said.’


Minister: Marijuana is a sacrament

‘The mail-order minister of a Hollywood church that burns marijuana during services and allegedly sells it to members says that’s protected under federal law because the drug is a religious sacrament.

But Judge Mary Strobel has ruled that the Reverend Craig X. Rubin can’t use federal law as a defense because he faces only state charges.

Rubin, who’s representing himself at his drug trial, says members of his Temple 420 believe that marijuana is the tree of life mentioned in the Bible. [..]

The 41-year-old Rubin has no legal experience, and says he spent last weekend praying and smoking marijuana with Indians in a sweat lodge at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.’


Dunk Almost Takes Kids Head Off

(719kB Flash video)

see it here »


An Introduction to Anal Masturbation

‘It’s four thirty a.m. and the house is asleep.

I. . . am not asleep.

I am crouched in the bathtub in a frog-like stance, small puddles of urine and liquid shit at my feet. I’m leaning forward, gripping the side of the tub and biting my knee, overwhelmed by a mixture of pain and pleasure as I piston a dildo in and out of my ass.

You see, I really love anal masturbation.

Ever try it? No? You should.’


Cannabis increases psychosis risk

‘Using marijuana increases the risk of one day developing a psychotic illness such as schizophrenia, according to a study that provides some of the strongest evidence yet linking the drug to a mental disorder.

Marijuana is one the most commonly used illegal substances in many countries with up to 20 percent of young people in places like Britain reporting either some use or heavy use, British researchers said, citing government statistics.

Many consider it on par with alcohol or tobacco but the results shows marijuana poses a danger many smokers underestimate, said Stanley Zammit, a psychiatrist at Cardiff University and the University of Bristol, who worked on the study.’

Prankster Dentist Wins in Court

‘An oral surgeon who temporarily implanted fake boar tusks in his assistant’s mouth as a practical joke and got sued for it has gotten the state’s high court to back up his gag.

Dr. Robert Woo of Auburn had put in the phony tusks while the woman was under anesthesia for a different procedure. He took them out before she awoke, but he first shot photos that eventually made it around the office.

The employee, Tina Alberts, felt so humiliated when she saw the pictures that she quit and sued her boss.

Woo’s insurance company, Fireman’s Fund, refused to cover the claim, saying the practical joke was intentional and not a normal business activity his insurance policy covered, so Woo settled out of court. He agreed to pay Alberts $250,000, then he sued his insurers.’

Armed police shoot escaped heifer

‘Police marksmen have shot dead one heifer, but a second remains on the loose after the pair escaped from a Darlington cattle market.

Officers are searching the market town for the remaining animal described as “extremely dangerous”.

Commuters and shoppers have been warned to be on their guard as police say the heifer, weighing about half a ton, will attack anyone it sees. [..]

A spokesman for Durham Police said: “We cannot stress too highly how dangerous this animal is.

“It will attack anyone it sees and the public must not approach it in any circumstances.’

Itchy Nuts DUI

‘People dont realize that being in handcuffs greatly reduces your ability to scratch an itch. While that isn’t a major problem for a lot of people, it is for this guy.’

(1.9meg Flash video)

see it here »

Holiday From Hell

‘Whether it’s screaming brats at the pool, impossibly long lines, or stolen luggage, summer vacations rarely deliver the stress-free escape you’ve been hoping for. But stop your bitching. It could be much worse. From Salmonella smeared BBQ pits to amusement park rides that sever limbs (as one did in June to a 13-year-old girl at Six Flags), the season is full of perils most of us are lucky enough to avoid. Then again, the most rewarding experiences always come with a little risk. If you’re tired of the same old sanitary, injury-free, cookie-cutter holiday routine, we recommend the following itinerary from hell. Strap yourself in. It’s going to be a terrible trip.’


NASA probes sabotage, report says pilots flew drunk

‘NASA is investigating sabotage of a noncritical computer due to be flown to the International Space Station aboard the space shuttle Endeavour, which was cleared to lift off on August 7, the U.S. space agency said on Thursday.

NASA revealed the sabotage a day ahead of releasing studies that the publication Aviation Week reported had found astronauts were allowed to fly on at least two occasions despite warnings they were so drunk they posed a flight risk.

The damage to wiring in an electronics box was intentional and obvious, NASA’s associate administrator for space operations, Bill Gerstenmaier told reporters at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.’

8-Year-Old Attacks Officer With Ax

‘A Plymouth Township police officer was threatened by three 8-year-old boys, and one even came at him with an ax, according to police.

“He said he was going to kill him. He made a threat toward the officer,” Plymouth Township Deputy Chief Joseph Lawrence said. [..]

“They’re only 8 years old so the officer is in a real bad situation because they’re children, they’re 8 years old. They can harm you as much as an adult can,” Lawrence said.

In fact, police said they repeatedly asked the boy to put down the ax, but instead he hurled it at the officer, missing him, but hitting the police cruiser.’
