Posts tagged as: drunk


Friday, August 27, 2010


Mortgage worker got drunk, shot computer server

‘A Salt Lake City mortgage company employee allegedly got drunk, opened fired on his firm’s computer server with a .45-caliber automatic, and then told police someone had stolen his gun and caused the damage. [..]

However, investigators allege that Campbell had been drinking that night at the Twilight Concert in Pioneer Park with a co-worker and had returned to his office afterward and shot the server.

A probable cause statement alleges that Campbell told police he had been “mugged, assaulted with his own firearm and drugged” by a mystery assailant.

However, acquaintances of Campbell reportedly told police he had earlier been drunk, was armed and had threatened to shoot the computer and maybe himself.’

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Fifteen students left with permanent scars after branding each other with heated coathangers

‘Fifteen students were left with permanent scars after branding themselves with heated coat hangers at a house party, it emerged today.

The ‘group challenge’ saw each student brand themselves with the initial of the hall they lived in last year.

Participants held a reshaped metal coat hanger to heat on a hot stove for 30 seconds. [..]

After visiting hospital, at least three of the students were given antibiotics to fight infection.

A burns specialist also warned they will have permanent scarring, following the incident on September 20 at a private house party for students at Exeter University. [..]

Onlookers said large amounts of alcohol were consumed at the party, but another unnamed student added there was no coercion involved.

He said: ‘No one was pinned down. It was all optional, everyone just stood there and did it.”


Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Man jailed for sex act with sister in park

‘A man drunk on mouthwash who performed oral sex on his unconscious sister in Rainbow Park was sentenced to jail-time served and three years probation Tuesday in Sarnia court.

The 38-year-old pleaded guilty to committing an indecent act May 4 in the south Christina Street park. [..]

The man doesn’t recall the incident but didn’t dispute it occurred, based on a witness’s statement.

A family visiting the park about 6:30 p.m. came upon the couple on a park bench, police had reported earlier.

Defence lawyer Robert McFadden noted his client was incomprehensible when arrested because he and his sister had been drinking alcohol-laced mouthwash.

The woman was intoxicated and unconscious throughout the incident.

The mother of the pair told McFadden she hopes her son didn’t realize the woman was his sister. She called it the low point in her son’s life of alcohol abuse, the lawyer said.’

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Town’s water turns to wine

‘Families thought they were witnessing a miracle when wine flowed from their taps during a grape festival.

But it wasn’t down to divine intervention – just very bad plumbing.

Sparkling, chilled white wine should have been flowing into a marble fountain in the town square during the annual Marino grape festival on Sunday.

Instead it gushed out of kitchen taps in dozens of homes, to the delight of residents in the Italian hilltop town. The mayor, Adriano Palozzi, a priest and locals had all gathered round the fountain to give a prayer of thanks to the Virgin Mary. Everyone had a plastic beaker at the ready to drink a free glass or two of Marino DOC.

But they were left disappointed as, instead of fresh wine, out poured the usual water.’


Thursday, September 25, 2008


West Virginia Man Charged with Assaulting an Officer

‘A man arrested for driving under the influence in West Virginia got himself into a lot more trouble later at the police station.

Jose Cruz was pulled over Monday night on Route 60 in South Charleston for driving with his headlights off. He was subsequently arrested after failing a series of sobriety tests, according to WSAZ TV in Charleston.

During fingerprinting, Cruz then allegedly moved closer to one of the officers and passed gas, the station reported. In the complaint, the investigating officer wrote that police noticed a “very strong” odor.

The alleged stunt led Cruz to be charged with another offense — battery on an officer — in addition to DUI and obstruction, WSAZ reported.’


Saturday, September 20, 2008


No Undie Sundie: Women strip down for free drinks

‘A Melbourne pub has come under fire for offering free drinks to women who remove their underwear.

The Saint Hotel in St Kilda is promoting a night called No Undie Sundie – an event where woman are encouraged to remove their underwear and hang it over the bar, to receive a $50 drink voucher.

The promotion, which has been labelled as ‘sexist’ and ‘irresponsible,’ also offers women who flash their bras and underwear to bar staff, free drinks.

Not only has the event sparked criticism from sexual assault groups, liquor licensing authorities have decided to launch an investigation.

“The Saint is really pushing the barriers,” Liquor Licensing Victoria director Sue Maclellan told News Ltd.’

Thursday, September 18, 2008


bodily fluids disaster story

‘I originally wrote this story as a reply in one of those “funny drinking stories” threads a couple of months ago. It is a very embarrassing story about me when I was a stupid teenager, not that much different from a lot of people’s drinking stories, but with a twist of lemon. Lots of people seemed to like it, so I thought I would illustrate and narrate the story in its own thread for maximum hilarity.

This all happened when I was 18 years old. I had dropped out of highschool twice by this point, ditched a lot of my friends because I was a selfish idiot and generally didn’t give a gently caress about anything. I hardly ever ate anything and was skinny as gently caress, showered maybe once every three days, took a poo poo load of drugs and smoked like a chimney. I didn’t have any prospects for the future. I just followed every impulse I had. I stole hundreds of dollars of stuff from the gas station I worked at. I stole poo poo from my parents. I shop lifted. I’m sure lots of people have been through a phase like this and I feel very sorry for all of you.’


Saturday, July 5, 2008


The pub with no swearing, no gambling and, guess what… no customers

‘Of all the careers available to a devout Christian couple, revamping an urban pub and winning over its hardcore regulars was always going to be a gamble.

Sure enough, Krista and John Fleming found they were preaching to the unconverted – and the regulars had every intention of staying that way.

Now the Flemings, who banned swearing and gambling on horseracing, have been sacked after takings plunged. [..]

She said: ‘They should have built pews in here rather than chairs. I have no problem with their religion but… a pub is a pub. They started having a quiz and loads of the questions were on the Bible.

‘They took down the dart board… and now there’s some kind of calligraphy up there. [..]’

Golden Pages Search Results – sober people in Ireland


Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Study indicates grape seed extract may reduce cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer’s disease

‘A compound found in grape seed extract reduces plaque formation and resulting cognitive impairment in an animal model of Alzheimer’s disease, new research shows. The study appears in the June 18 issue of The Journal of Neuroscience.

Lead study author Giulio Pasinetti, MD, PhD, of Mount Sinai School of Medicine and colleagues found that the grape seed extract prevents amyloid beta accumulation in cells, suggesting that it may block the formation of plaques. In Alzheimer’s disease, amyloid beta accumulates to form toxic plaques that disrupt normal brain function. [..]

Moderate consumption of red wine—approximately one glass for women and two glasses for men, according to the Food and Drug Administration—and its constituent grape compounds has reported health benefits, particularly for cardiovascular function. Pasinetti previously found that red wine reduced cognitive decline in mice genetically modified to develop Alzheimer’s disease. In subsequent studies, Pasinetti and colleagues have attempted to isolate which of the nearly 5,000 molecules contained in red wine are important in disease prevention. “Our intent is to develop a highly tolerable, nontoxic, orally available treatment for the prevention and treatment of Alzeheimer’s dementia,” Pasinetti said.’


Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Rum the remedy for snake bite on penis

‘A man bitten on the penis by a deadly snake has told how he used a cold rum can to soothe the pain while he rang his mother to say a final goodbye.

“I thought I was gone,” Daryl Zutt said of his now notorious encounter with a brown snake during a roadside toilet stop in remote far north Queensland, The Cairns Post reported.

“I thought, ‘Maybe, this is it. Maybe, I’m gonna cark it’.”

The Cairns Post revealed details of the bizarre encounter two weeks ago but the identity of the victim remained unknown until Mr Zutt came forward to tell how the brown snake took a near-fatal swipe as he relieved himself.

“I squatted down … I reckon I must’ve nearly sat on his head,” he said.

“As soon as I felt it, I yelled.

“It really hurt. [..]’

Followup to Deadly snake bites man’s penis.


Saturday, May 10, 2008


Drunk Falls Off Bridge, Bounces Off Fire Truck

It looks like they were trying to move the truck under him to break the fall or something. Timing was a bit off tho.

(6.3meg Flash video)

see it here »

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Unsatisfying Sex Life Leads to Silverdale Woman’s Meltdown

‘Highly intoxicated and dissatisfied with her sex life, a 28-year-old woman was arrested Tuesday for stealing her husband’s wallet and later assaulting the deputy who booked her into jail.

The meltdown, which deputies witnessed along with the couple’s 3- and 4-year-old children, started when the husband, 24, had told his wife they had three hours to quit smoking, drinking, swearing and engaging in some sex acts because “they were going to be good Christians now,” the woman said.

The man said she had woken him up to have relations, but then became disappointed and angry. [..]

When deputies arrived, the woman denied any assault had taken place, and repeatedly, without sparing a vulgar euphemism, told the deputies about how unsatisfied she was with her sex life — some of the time carrying around a half-gallon of whiskey while doing so.

During an argument with one of the deputies, the woman picked up the family’s 20-pound dog and threw it at the deputy, who caught it, the report said.’

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Tampa woman charged with child neglect after passing out, leaving child to fend for herself

‘A woman is in custody for child neglect this morning after mixing prescription medication with alcohol and leaving her 2-year-old child to fend for herself.

Neighbors saw Tiffany Garland’s daughter playing on the balcony and eating cigarette butts for at least four hours.

According to reports, Garland took the antidepressant Paxil and drank an unspecified amount of tequila.

The child was seen on the balcony a short time after and police were called.’


Monday, April 14, 2008


Bacon Vodka

‘Fry up three strips of bacon

Add cooked bacon to a clean pint sized mason jar. Trim the ends of the bacon if they are too tall to fit in the jar. Or you could go hog wild and just pile in a bunch of fried up bacon scraps.

Fill the jar up with vodka. Cap and place in a dark cupboard for at least three weeks.(No need to refrigerate)

At the end of the three week resting period, place the bacon vodka in the freezer to solidify the fats. Strain out the fats through a coffee filter to yield a clear filtered pale yellow bacon vodka.

Decant into decorative bottles and enjoy.’

Saturday, March 22, 2008


What shall we do with the drunken Spartan?

Wey-hey and up she rises..

(2.2meg Shockwave)

see it here »


Friday, March 7, 2008


Sent home in shame, the British commandos who stripped naked for crass stunt in a foreign bar

‘Eight British Commandos have been flown home in disgrace for stripping naked and engaging in appalling behaviour in a Norwegian bar during an Arctic training exercise.

The men disgusted onlookers in the town of Harstad with a drunken game of “naked bar”.

After whipping off their clothes, they urinated on each other – splashing other customers and furniture – before slurring insults and abuse.

Furious senior officers ordered the soldiers, from the Army’s 59 Independent Commando Squadron Royal Engineers, back home to face disciplinary action.

“This is taken extremely seriously,” a Ministry of Defence official said. [..]

Harstad police spokesman Gair Pedersen said: “They were drunk and there was a problem in the bar but we are quite used to dealing with British soldiers like this.”‘


Friday, February 22, 2008


A gentleman’s guide to life’s more refined vices.

‘Refined Vices is a website that reviews rum, whiskey and cigars. Refined Vices also has forums where you can join and leave your comments about the reviews or just discuss about rum, whiskey or cigars in general.’

Count Silvio has made this website to review rum and cigars. Not bad things to review at all.

Also, he lives in a country with the purest water on the planet! 🙂

At the moment there’s a newish post called The Boston Molasses Tragedy of 1919. It’s a relatively well known disaster, but never ceases to be interesting. Drowning in molasses? Unlucky!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Ex-Florida prison boss: Drunken orgies tainted system

‘Softball, drunken orgies and a prison system run like the mafia. That’s what Florida’s former prison secretary says he inherited when he took over one of the nation’s largest prison systems two years ago.

In fact, on his first day on the job, James McDonough says he walked into his office — the same one his predecessor used — and there was crime scene tape preventing anyone from entering.

“That was an indication we had a problem in the department,” McDonough told CNN in an exclusive interview before he stepped down last Thursday. [..]

“Corruption had gone to an extreme,” McDonough said, saying it all began at the top. “They seemed to be drunk half the time and had orgies the other half, when they weren’t taking money and beating each other up.” [..]

McDonough described a bizarre prison culture among those that ran the system — one that he says seemed obsessed with inter-department softball games and the orgies after games.’


Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Top 10 Hunter S. Thompson Quotes

‘The Sixties were an era of extreme reality. I miss the smell of tear gas. I miss the fear of getting beaten.’

Never, never spit gasoline while smoking

‘A German man in the northeastern town of Gross Godems was being treated for serious burns Monday after accidentally setting his apartment ablaze when he mixed up a bottle of gasoline with alcohol, police said.

The 56-year-old apparently grabbed the wrong bottle and took a swig from the gasoline flask, then spat it out when he realized his mistake.

The gas hit a lit cigarette, sparking the fire, police said.

The man’s name was not released.’


Thursday, January 10, 2008


Moron Arrested After Driving Truck Into House

‘A 20-year-old Burleson man was arrested Friday night after police say he drove a pickup truck into a home while intoxicated.

Bryan Scott Moron was taken into custody after he lost control of a white Chevrolet truck and struck a mailbox on Parkridge Blvd., then continued ahead and drove into a home.

The arresting officer said Moron failed sobriety tests. The arrest report shows Moron had a blood alcohol level of more than twice the legal limit.

Moron reportedly works as a server at a local restaurant.’


Friday, January 4, 2008


Britney Spears taken to hospital for tests

‘Pop star Britney Spears was taken to hospital for tests to see if she was under the influence of alcohol or drugs and for a psychological evaluation after police were called to her home Thursday night to mediate a custody dispute, a police spokesman said.

Spears appeared to be conscious as she was rolled out of her Studio City home on a gurney about three hours after police and ambulances arrived there. [..]

Doctors at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles will decide whether to invoke a California law that allows a patient to be held for psychological evaluation for 72 hours, the police spokesman said.

Aerial video provided by local television station helicopters showed Spears on a stretcher and surrounded by police and paramedics as it was rolled to an ambulance near her home.’


Tuesday, January 1, 2008


To the Drunk Hottie who fell off my motorcycle

‘I met you at the bar last night, and we hit it off. Ya we were both a little buzzed, but you seemed as into me as I was into you. Things got to things, we made out a bit, and you ended up going home with me on the back of my motorcycle, which was awesome because that doesn’t usually happen to me. I luckily had the extra helmet with me and let you wear my bike jacket while suffering the cold on the way home. I was feeling pretty happy and lucky to say the least.

This is where things got crazy.’

Friday, December 21, 2007


Teens charged in 7-year-old sister’s ‘Mortal Kombat’ death

‘Two teenagers believed to be imitating the Mortal Kombat video game have been arrested and charged in the death of a 7-year- old Johnstown girl – a sister of one of the suspects. [..]

They began wrestling and enacting a game of Mortal Kombat, court affidavits say. Zoe lost consciousness after being hit, kicked and body-slammed to the floor. [..]

A witness quoted in an affidavit said Roberts told her he had kicked the girl and that his hands were “lethal weapons.”

The witness said Roberts performed a back kick and the girl didn’t get up. He said he and Trujillo “cracked an egg in her mouth . . . in an attempt to see if she was messing around with them” by faking unconsciousness.

The witness said she asked Roberts whether Zoe had asked them to stop. “Yeah, she told me to stop,” he said. Asked why he didn’t stop, he said, “I don’t know; I was drunk.”‘

Saturday, December 15, 2007


Evolution vs creation row ends in stabbing

‘A fruit-picking trip to southern New South Wales ended in the death of a Scottish backpacker who became embroiled in a bizarre row about creationism and evolution.

English backpacker Alexander Christian York, 33, was today sentenced to a maximum of five years jail for the manslaughter of Scotsman Rudi Boa in January last year. [..]

The Scottish couple and York, neighbours at the caravan park, were becoming friends and spent the night of January 27 drinking at the Star Hotel in Tumut.

However, towards the end of the night, an argument between York and the pair about creationism versus evolution escalated into a shouting match at the pub.

The couple, both biomedical scientists, had been arguing the case of evolution, while York had taken a more biblical view of history. [..]

According to Ms Brown, York was making dinner when he attacked the couple outside his tent, stabbing Mr Boa with a kitchen knife as the argument escalated.’


Friday, December 14, 2007


Flasher bashed by his drinking buddies

‘A middle-aged man was beaten up by his drinking buddies after being caught gratifying himself in front of school children camping at a popular Manawatu reserve.

The unemployed man, 48, from Palmerston North, suffered a “substantial” head injury and was admitted to Palmerston North Hospital.

Police have since arrested and charged him with committing an indecent act. [..]

The offender was seen sitting and watching a number of teenage girls camping at the site, along with children from Dannevirke Primary School, for nearly an hour.

He is then alleged to have stood up, exposed himself and performed an indecent act in plain view of all present.

“His associates, who he had been drinking with since before lunch time, obviously didn’t approve of his behaviour and they’ve dealt to him themselves, giving him a pretty nasty head injury,” Ms Ross said.’

Sunday, December 2, 2007


How Could You Not Love This Town?

‘Cashier: How are you?

Customer: Do you want the honest answer?

Cashier: Yes.

Customer: I feel like the business end of a donkey. I am extremely hungover and did a mountain of cocaine last night. Now I have to make dinner for a 68-year-old gay artist who is trying to fuck me.

Cashier: I’m… sorry.

Customer: And the woman I love is in another state pregnant with her ex-boyfriend’s baby, and I wish the baby was mine. And I’m sleeping with a dominatrix. And it’s all true.’


Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Beer cheaper than water

‘British supermarkets are selling beer at prices cheaper than water and soft drinks, with cans sold for as little as 50 cents.

Supermarkets were stocking shelves with beer priced so low they were actually losing money, the Mail on Sunday reported.

Experts estimated that the supermarkets were losing up to 18c per can through excise and production costs, the newspaper said.

Many of the major supermarkets were now selling beer for just 50 pence ($1.15) a litre. The same supermarkets sell mineral water for 56p-92p a litre.

Own-brand cola sells for 56p-65p.

The British health department has commissioned an independent review of alcohol pricing and promotion and has not ruled out changing regulations.’


Friday, November 9, 2007


Don’t drink and cycle

(1.1meg Flash video)

see it here »