Posts tagged as: food


Friday, March 7, 2008


German soldiers ate sausage made from their own blood

‘Two German air force officers have been suspended from service for making and eating blutwurst, or blood sausage, from their own blood.

One of the soldiers, based in the southern German city of FĂĽrstenfeldbruck near Munich, posted photos of the meal on a popular website.

Disciplinary action against the soldiers is underway, a military official told German weekly magazine Focus on Saturday. The case may also be passed on to state authorities.

According to the military official, the unsavory incident came to light when the soldiers asked a fellow officer for blood this summer. The soldier reported the request to his superior officers.’

Man Fatally Stabs Himself While Cooking

‘man was killed Sunday when he accidentally stabbed himself while cooking.

Chief Deputy Coroner Charlie Boseman said that Michael Downing, 32, was cooking food for himself and his 8- and 10-year-old sons on Sunday afternoon while his fiance was at work.

Downing burned himself, jerked his hand away and accidentally stabbed himself with a steak knife that he was holding in his hand, Boseman said.

Downing was able to call 911 and explained what had happened. Downing’s 10-year-old son got on the phone with the dispatcher and followed instructions to try to save his father. [..]

Boseman said that the knife had pierced Downing’s heart, causing his death. He said that the knife went between Downing’s ribs, 2 to 3 inches into his chest.’


Central Florida Woman Accused Of Chili Pepper Sex Assault On Teen

‘A 40-year-old Central Florida woman is accused of sexually abusing a 16-year-old girl with yellow chili peppers.

Investigators said the woman, who works at the Carnagie Gardens Nursing Home Center in Melbourne, beat the victim with an iron and iron cord after she arrived home.

She said she was also sexually abused with the peppers while she tried to shower.

The girl then reported the attack to a teacher the next day and a nurse’s exam confirmed the abuse, police said.’


Saturday, February 23, 2008


Let’s Paint, Exercise & Blend Drinks TV!

This man runs in a treadmill whilst simultaneously painting, blending fruit in a blender, and taking phone calls from people.

The painting isn’t very good, the fruit drink probably isn’t going to be very tasty, and the calls are all abusive.

Funny. 🙂

(22meg Flash video)

see it here »


Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Shop-owners sold chocolate cake sprinkled with human faeces

‘Two shop-owners were today fined for selling chocolate cake – which had been sprinkled with human faeces.

A horrified customer ate the foul-smelling gateaux but noticed that it didn’t taste or smell “quite right” and handed the cake to public health scientists.

The analysts soon established that the sweet treat was covered in faeces and legal proceedings against the shop owners were started.

Shop owners Saeed Hasmi, 25, and Jan Yadgari, 23, were fined ÂŁ1,500 for selling food unfit for human consumption.

The pair – who ran the Italiano Pizzeria in Roath, Cardiff – admitted the charge but did not say how the chocolate cake was contaminated.’


Restaurant sorry over F word bill

‘A restaurant owner has apologised after diners had their very own F word experience – without Gordon Ramsay.

Ten friends found the abusive and sexually-explicit message on their bill at Joe Delucci’s Italian restaurant in Bird Street, Lichfield, Staffordshire.

Diner Clare Watkin said she thought it was written after they complained about poor service.

The party from Walsall had gone to the restaurant on Friday. Owner Nigel Langsdon has begun an investigation.

Ms Watkin said: “I couldn’t believe it. The bill read ‘fish cakes’, which one of us had for a starter, and it was written right above it – absolutely disgusting language.’


Diet Coke Rocket Boomerang

That’s some good aiming.

(613kB Flash video)

see it here »


US meat recalled after mad cow concerns

‘It is the biggest food recall in US history. About 65 million kilograms of beef products from a Californian slaughterhouse have been recalled because of concerns about the plant’s production line.

Some animals were unable to stand and that has prompted concerns about their ability to be tested for infections like mad cow’s disease.

The plant is now under investigation and two of its employees have been charged with animal cruelty.

Everything from sirloin to taco meat has been recalled, as have some of the more curious by-products of the beef industry such as salivary glands and six gallon containers of beef bile.’

Drink Machine Attacks Woman

A couple of decent attempts to injure the woman.. Hooray for machines on the rampage. 🙂

(1.1meg Flash video)

see it here »

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Canned Cheeseburger

Friday, February 8, 2008


Jogger attacked with a Mars bar

‘A jogger was injured after being hit by a frozen Mars bar hurled from a passing car.
The man was running along Sunderland Road, South Shields, when the rock-hard chocolate bar was thrown at him.

Police said the car – a black Nissan or Toyota – then turned round, drove back past the shocked man, and its occupants threw another object at him before driving off.

The bizarre incident, which resulted in the man suffering a swollen ankle, happened at about 10.30am yesterday.’


Thursday, February 7, 2008


How To Field Dress A Unicorn

‘No matter how many times you shot a unicorn, they’re sure to stumble off into the bushes and make one last agony-filled run for the fabled gates of their pastel pink homelands. As long as you put enough holes in your unicorns heart and lungs (click here for a shootin’ diagram), you’ve got nothing to worry about: your unicorn will die coughing up it’s own blood not far from where you capped him. When you find a unicorn you’ve shot, don’t get all excited and run over to touch. The first rule is that unicorns are tricky bitches and often fake death just to lure you within impaling range. To avoid this common and undesirable hunter’s fate, pump a couple of rounds into your unicorn’s torso (just don’t hit the horn!). After a couple of safety shots, take a sharp stick and jab it into the unicorn’s eyeball. If the unicorn doesn’t move, congrats, you’ve killed him! If the unicorn still thrashed and makes nasty noises, shot, poke and repeat as many times as necessary.’

Pup chews off paralyzed man’s toes

‘A paralyzed Lexington man was rushed to the hospital Tuesday after he woke to find his dog had chewed off parts of his toes, police said. [..]

Smith may be allowed to take China into quarantine at his home, animal control Chief Nathan Bowling said.

“The animal appears to be in great health, and we have no reason to believe there’s any kind of abuse,” Bowling said.

Tim Cantrell, who said he is temporarily staying at Smith’s home, said he saw the blood on his friend’s bed Tuesday morning.

“I realized upon closer inspection that his toes were no longer on his feet,” Cantrell said.’

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Teens Unremorseful After Stealing From Girl Scout

‘The State Attorney’s Office will decide whether to charge two teens who admit they robbed a 9-year-old Girl Scout selling cookies outside of a Boynton Beach supermarket. [..]

Authorities said that a 17-year-old girl in a hot-pink sweatshirt approached Smith outside of a Winn-Dixie supermarket at Hypoluxo and Jog roads in Boynton Beach Wednesday evening and asked the girl what her favorite cookies were. Police told WPBF that, while Smith was telling the teen about her favorite Cinna-Spins, the teen snatched an envelope containing about $167 off of Smith’s table, hopped into another teen’s car and drove away. [..]

The girls, whose names are not being released because they are minors, told WPBF that they were not remorseful for the crime, and that they did it because they “needed money.”

“We went through all that effort to get it, we got all these charges and we had to give the money back. I’m kind of pissed,” one of the girls told WPBF. [..]

“I’m not sorry, I’m just pissed that I got caught,” the girl said.’


Thursday, January 31, 2008


Haiti’s poorest reduced to eating dirt

‘Extreme poverty is forcing Haiti’s poorest people to eat dirt.

Mud cookies – made from dirt, salt and vegetable shortening – have become popular among Haitians desperate to stave off hunger, the Associated Press reports.

The cookies – which are occasionally used by pregnant women and children as an antacid and source of calcium – have become a regular meal.

Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere and one of the most disadvantaged in the world.’


Thursday, January 24, 2008


Faulty fridge sends warship back to base

‘One of Britain’s biggest warships was forced to retreat back to base Wednesday — by fears about a fridge.

The aircraft carrier HMS Illustrious sailed out Wednesday from Portsmouth on the southern English coast, the home of the fleet, to join multi-national operations in the Indian Ocean.

But “Lusty” had to turn back because a refrigeration unit used to store meat was in danger of breaking down.

“The sensible thing is for her to come in and get that fixed before she goes off again,” said Royal Navy spokesman Anton Hanney.’


McDonald’s Drops Ads from Report Cards

‘A month after catching heat for advertising on children’s report cards in Seminole County, Fla., McDonald’s has opted to remove its marketing messages.

As part of a joint business partnership with The School Board of Seminole County, Fla., McDonald’s offered students free food prizes for good grades. The offer, announced in conjunction with a smiling picture of Ronald McDonald printed on report card envelopes, was valid for kindergartners through fifth graders.

One mom, Susan Pagan, was disturbed by the promotion and contacted the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood. The CCFC complained to the district and press and the promotion was scrapped.’


Error puts horse ad in food classifieds

‘Kristen DeGroat just wanted to sell her horse to another animal lover, but her ad ended up under “Good Things to Eat” in the classified sections of two newspapers. About a third of the 60 or so calls she received were from people interested in buying horse meat.

“It’s been enough to turn your stomach,” said DeGroat, who eventually sold her 3-year-old mare, Foxy, to a man who wanted a live horse for his grandchildren.

DeGroat’s ad, offering the registered pinto for $200 or the best offer, was intended to run Sunday and Monday under the classified ad heading for horses and stables in The Saginaw News and The Bay City Times.’


Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Study Sees Caffeine Possibly Tied to Miscarriages

‘Too much caffeine during pregnancy may increase the risk of miscarriage, a new study says, and it suggests that pregnant women may want to reduce their intake or cut it out entirely.

Many obstetricians already advise women to limit caffeine, although the subject has long been contentious, with conflicting studies, fuzzy data and various recommendations given over the years.

The new study, to be published Monday in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, finds that pregnant women who consume 200 milligrams or more of caffeine a day — the amount in 10 ounces of coffee or 25 ounces of tea — may double their risk of miscarriage.’


Canadian survives wilderness ordeal on rotting meat

‘A Canadian man survived 96 hours pinned under his all-terrain vehicle in the Rocky Mountains by eating rotting animal carcasses, drinking melted snow and thinking of his grandchildren, he said on Monday.

Ken Hildebrand was trapped face down for four days and three nights in the Crowsnest Pass area of southwestern Alberta, where he tried numerous ways to free himself in below-freezing temperatures.

Throughout the ordeal, he kept wolves and coyotes away by blowing on an emergency whistle.

“I thought of my family and God and that was it,” Hildebrand, a paramedic, told Reuters from his hospital bed in Lethbridge, Alberta.’

Inept pair jailed for bread theft

‘Two Australians have been jailed for a failed heist which left one of them with a bag of bread rolls and the other with a bullet in the backside.

Benjamin Jorgensen, 38, and Donna Hayes, 36, were sentenced to seven and eight years respectively for the robbery in a Melbourne restaurant.

During the robbery, Jorgensen grabbed what he thought was a bag of money – only to find it contained bread rolls.

He also accidentally fired his gun, hitting Hayes in the buttock.

Judge Roland Williams described the two, who had expected to steal takings worth about A$30,000 ($26,000, ÂŁ13,000), as a “pair of fools”.’

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Man Sentenced For Attacking Child With Hot Pocket Sandwich

‘A Boyce man has been sentenced to 21 months in prison for burning a young relative with hot food.

Robert Eston Larrick Jr., 40, was sentenced on Tuesday in Winchester Circuit Court.

Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney Jason Caccamo said Larrick shoved a “smoldering” Hot Pocket sandwich in the 11-year-old victim’s face.

Caccamo said the child suffered first- and second-degree burns around her eye. Larrick did not take the child to the hospital for medical treatment after the incident.

Last month, Larrick entered Alford pleas to charges of malicious bodily injury and felony child abuse. An Alford plea means he did not admit guilt, but acknowledged sufficient evidence exists for a conviction.’

Woman Threatens Officer’s Family

‘A woman arrested for causing a scene at a Valley restaurant spat at an officer and on the drive to the police station threatened to hunt down the officer’s wife and children, investigators said. [..]

As Barnes was being led to the patrol car, she spat at one of the officers and struggled with them, officers said. The woman claimed she was a lawyer and kickboxer, according to authorities.

Once inside a patrol car, she began hitting her head against the window and threatening to kill herself, according to police.

She told one of the officers on the drive to the police station, “I will come after you with a vengeance. I will come to your station. I will never let you rest. I will hunt your wife. I will hunt your kids.”‘


General Butt Naked confesses to nude killings

‘A former warlord known as General Butt Naked has confessed to Liberia’s post-conflict reconciliation commission that his men killed 20,000 people during the country’s civil war.

The commander earned his nom de guerre for charging into battle dressed only in his boots

The feared rebel commander earned his nom de guerre for charging into battle dressed only in his boots, at the head of a gang of fighters known as the Butt Naked Battalion.

The nude gunmen became known for terrorising villagers and sacrificing children whose hearts they would eat before going into battle during Liberia’s 14-year on-off civil war which ended in 2003. [..]

Mr Blayee returned from exile in Ghana, where he is now an evangelical Christian preacher, to face Liberia’s truth and reconciliation commission last week.’

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Girl Saves Friend’s Life Using Heimlich

‘A couple of weeks ago, Sabian Lucas, 9, and her Edna Sosa, 8, were having a sleepover. While playing and eating, Edna began choking on an apple.

“I was like, ‘Are you choking?'” Sabian recalled. [..]

KMBC’s Marcus Moore reported that Sabian ended up performing the Heimlich maneuver on Edna.

“I never did it on a person because I was tiny. So I did it for the first time and I was like, ‘OK, I’ll try to do this,'” Sabian said. [..]

“She saved my life. Now I have to be really, really, really nice to her,” Edna said.

“She doesn’t really have to do anything. All she has to do is be my best friend for life,” Sabian said.’

FDA says clones are safe for food

‘A long-awaited final report from the Food and Drug Administration concludes that foods from healthy cloned animals and their offspring are as safe as those from ordinary animals, effectively removing the last U.S. regulatory barrier to the marketing of meat and milk from cloned cattle, pigs and goats.

The 968-page “final risk assessment,” not yet released but obtained by The Washington Post, finds no evidence to support opponents’ concerns that food from clones may harbor hidden risks.

But, recognizing that a majority of consumers are wary of food from clones — and that cloning could undermine the wholesome image of American milk and meat — the agency report includes hundreds of pages of raw data so that others can see how it came to its conclusions.’


Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Cow Drinks Its Own Milk

(2.8meg Flash video)

see it here »


Thursday, January 10, 2008


Man sees ‘mark,’ cuts off hand

‘A man who believed he bore the biblical “mark of the beast” used a circular saw to cut off one hand, then he cooked it in the microwave and called 911, authorities said.

The man, in his mid-20s, was calm when Kootenai County sheriff’s deputies arrived Saturday. He was in protective custody in the mental health unit of Kootenai Medical Center.

“It had been somewhat cooked by the time the deputy arrived,” sheriff’s Capt. Ben Wolfinger said. “He put a tourniquet on his arm before, so he didn’t bleed to death. That kind of mental illness is just sad.”‘


Man says God told him to eat girlfriend

‘Friends and family of a 21-year-old who police say was killed and mutilated by her boyfriend tried on Monday to put aside the grisly details of her death, while police said the man described his actions as being compelled by God.

Christopher Lee McCuin, 25, made his initial court appearance on Monday after being charged with capital murder in the death of Jana Shearer. Police say they found an ear boiling in a pot on a stovetop at the crime scene, and a hunk of flesh on a plate and impaled on a fork at the kitchen table.

“You can’t sleep. You can’t think straight anymore,” said Amy Gage, Shearer’s friend and neighbor. “Then you just keep finding out more and more. It’s the most difficult thing anyone can go through.”‘


Friends eat dog, man kills friends

‘A Russian man has been charged with killing two friends with an axe after he walked in on them cutting up his pet dog for food at his home in eastern Siberia, local prosecutors said today.

Alexander Yermilov, 40, “caught two friends with the body of his beloved dog, which they had cut up for meat” when he returned to his home one evening in December, the prosecutor’s office in the town of Chita said in a statement.

“Flying into a rage, the dog’s owner grabbed an axe from the floor and began to strike his uninvited guests on the head,” the statement said.

Yermilov then called the police to explain what had happened. He has been charged with two counts of murder and is in police custody, the statement said.’
