Posts tagged as: fat


Monday, January 18, 2010


Floor collapses at Weight Watchers meeting

‘A floor collapsed beneath a group of about 20 members of Weight Watchers as they gathered to compare how many pounds they had shed over Christmas.

Members of the weight-loss club were lining up to compare readings on the scales when they heard a bang as the floor came away from the walls of their meeting room in Växjö in southern Sweden.

“We suddenly heard a huge thud – we almost thought it was an earthquake and everything flew up in the air. The floor collapsed in one corner of the room and along the walls,” one of the those present told the Smålandsposten newspaper.

They abandoned the room as the floor started to give way in other areas.’


Saturday, August 23, 2008


Murder suspect ‘too fat for jail’

‘The bedridden woman, who weighs nearly half a ton – 1,000 pounds or over 71 stone – is accused of killing her two-year-old nephew.

A grand jury indicted Mayra Lizbeth Rosales, 27, on a charge of first degree murder on Thursday and ordered her bail be set at $150,000.

Hidalgo County District Attorney Rene Guerra Rosales told local television news he hoped to take the woman into custody as early as Friday but did not go into detail as to how this would be done.

Lupe Trevino, Hidalgo County Sheriff, said holding Rosales at the county jail for the duration of her trial would be impossible because she needs extensive medical care.

“She would die,” said Mr Trevino.’


Saturday, February 23, 2008


QDB: Quote #642195

‘bloodninja: You gotta do better than that!
bloodninja: Your picture was really bad.


People Can’t believe I’m single because of my looks

‘First, I’m a beautiful woman. I get told that a lot. A LOT! Men are intimidated by my looks.

I’m a BBW but I prefer slim, educated, professional men. You must have your own place as I share an apartment with someone and I don’t like hosting.

Only white men please. I’m editing this to add that I love the finer things in live. Be prepared to treat me like the Queen I am.’

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Fat Guy With a Little Gun

What it says. [shrug] 🙂

(298kB Flash video)

see it here »


Obese man jailed for sitting on wife who later died

‘An overweight man who crushed his wife by sitting on her during an argument so severely that she later died has received a five-year jail sentence from a court in the central German city of Hildesheim.

The court found the 50-year-old bus driver, who weighed 128kg at the time of the incident, guilty of causing injury resulting in the death of his 46-year-old wife, who weighed 63kg.

In evidence the man acknowledged arguing with his wife but claimed he had fallen on her by mistake.

Expert evidence was heard that he must have sat on her for at least two minutes.’


Tuesday, January 22, 2008


480-Pound Woman Dies After Six Years On Couch

‘A 480-pound Martin County woman has died after emergency workers tried to remove her from the couch where she had remained for about six years.

Gayle Laverne Grinds, 40, died Wednesday, after a failed six-hour effort to dislodge her from the couch in her home. Workers say the home was filthy, and Grinds was too large to get up from the couch to even use the bathroom. [..]

Emergency workers had to remove some sliding glass doors and lift the couch, with Grinds still on it, to a trailer behind a pickup truck. Removing her from the couch would be too painful, since her body was grafted to the fabric. After years of staying put, her skin had literally become one with the sofa and had to be surgically removed.

She died at Martin Memorial Hospital South, still attached to the couch.’

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


It’s A Fat World After All

‘If there’s a sadder commentary on the state of American society, we can’t think of it — we’ve grown so fat we sink the boats of It’s A Small World.

According to Miceage, the boats routinely bottom out under the weight of super-sized riders, bringing the popular ride to a grinding — literally — halt. That’s increased the wear and tear on the fiberglass boats, which have been in use since the ride opened during the 1964 World’s Fair, when Americans, on average, weighed 25 pounds less than we do today. [..]

Employees — Disney calls them “cast members” — have been aware of the issue for some time now and so discretely leave empty seats in boats carrying heavy riders. But backups persist, and in some cases no one realzes there’s a problem until boats stop emerging from the ride.’

Monday, October 1, 2007


17-Pound Baby Born in Russia

‘A small Russian city just got a really big addition: a 17-pound, 1 ounce baby whose mother had already delivered 11 other children.

Tatiana Khalina, 42, delivered the girl by Caesarean section at a maternity clinic in Aleisk, a town of 30,000 people in the Altai region in southern Siberia, a nurse at the clinic said Thursday. [..]

The daily Moskovsky Komsomolets quoted the local social services chief, Marina Alistratova, as saying the family had modest means. She said Khalina’s husband was on contract with a local military unit.

“We have presented them with a good washing machine, a food package and a card,” Alistratova told the newspaper. “We will keep supporting them in the future.”

An average weight for newborn babies is around 7 pounds, 1 ounce, according to international statistics.’


Monday, September 24, 2007


Eat (Less) to Live (Longer)

Scientists have known for more than 70 years that the one surefire way to extend the lives of animals was to cut calories by an average of 30 to 40 percent. The question was: Why?

Now a new study begins to unravel the mystery and the mechanism by which reducing food intake protects cells against aging and age-related diseases. [..]

Researchers report in the journal Cell that the phenomenon is likely linked to two enzymes—SIRT3 and SIRT4—in mitochondria (the cell’s powerhouse that, among other tasks, converts nutrients to energy). They found that a cascade of reactions triggered by lower caloric intake raises the levels of these enzymes, leading to an increase in the strength and efficiency of the cellular batteries. By invigorating the mitochondria, SIRT3 and SIRT4 extend the life of cells, by preventing flagging mitochondria from developing tiny holes (or pores) in their membranes that allow proteins that trigger apoptosis, or cell death, to seep out into the rest of the cell.’

lose weight, without losing your freedom

‘If you’re taking a fat-blocking medication for weight loss, you’ve probably experienced “treatment effects” – flatulence, oily anal discharge, bowel urgency, and liquid stools that are difficult to control. [..]

You shouldn’t have to compromise your freedom in order to lose weight. You shouldn’t have to worry about where the nearest lavatory is, or whether the dark spots will show through your pants if you lose control and soil yourself. You shouldn’t have to stifle a laugh or a sneeze for fear of anal incontinence.

You deserve a better backup plan than the extra change of clothes in your car. Now there’s a simple and effective solution that can allow you to use weight-loss fat blockers while giving you a sense of security and confidence, knowing that you’ll be in control.’

Followup to alli: Miracle diet pill with teeny-tiny side effect and Diet Drug: Lose Weight, Possibly Soil Self.


Thursday, September 20, 2007


Firefighters use forklift to move 900-lb. man

‘Firefighters cut a hole in the side of a house and used a forklift to extricate a 900-pound man from his second-floor bedroom after a visiting nurse became worried about his health.

Rescue workers were called in Tuesday by the nurse, who determined the 33-year-old man needed medical help, Fire Chief Tom Cochran said.

Cochran said the man had not left his home since 2003. [..]

They covered the man with a blue tarp to shield him from onlookers and slid the platform onto a flatbed truck for a trip to Sparrow Hospital.’

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


The incredible true story of how the food industry is legally allowed to lie

‘Most people don’t realize that “0g Trans Fat” on a package doesn’t mean that the product actually has 0 grams of trans fats. In fact, the product in question could have quite a bit of the trans fats that it claims to have none of, and it’s all perfectly legal.

Here’s how this little scam works: the measurement advertised on the front of a bag of chips represents the amount of trans fats per serving. And if the amount per serving is less than half a gram, the FDA allows them to round it down to 0. Hence, 0g doesn’t equal zero grams. And when you see a giant bag of chips containing 20 servings or more, you realize how big this discrepancy actually is.’


Monday, August 13, 2007


To the women who work in my office… I hate you

‘Tall girl in design with the short brown hair- You have horrendous body odor! I’m not talking a little stench here and there I am talking everyday when you walk into the building people drop dead. I don’t know how you don’t notice it. I’m going to buy you deodorant for Christmas.

Fat woman who works in suite 19- I don’t know exactly what you do for this company, but I know far too much about your personal life. When you talk to your boyfriend on company time, please refrain from telling him it felt so good when he slipped his hard dick into your fat ass! Yea I heard that, and so does everyone else that walks by your suite when you are on the phone. It’s disgusting, and we don’t want to hear about it, so keep your voice down.’


Sunday, August 12, 2007


U.S. Life Span Shorter

‘Americans are living longer than ever, but not as long as people in 41 other countries.

For decades, the United States has been slipping in international rankings of life expectancy, as other countries improve health care, nutrition and lifestyles.

Countries that surpass the U.S. include Japan and most of Europe, as well as Jordan, Guam and the Cayman Islands.

“Something’s wrong here when one of the richest countries in the world, the one that spends the most on health care, is not able to keep up with other countries,” said Dr. Christopher Murray, head of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington.’


Fat Guy Ruins Summer

‘In one fell swoop this big guy ruins summer for everyone.’

(3.7meg Flash video)

see it here »

Friday, August 10, 2007


alli: Miracle diet pill with teeny-tiny side effect

‘There’s a “new” over-the-counter drug available in the US that’s apparently flying off the shelves. It’s called alli (note the way trendy lower case!) and I use the term “new” loosely because it’s apparently a lower strength version of a prescription-only drug (Xenical) that’s been around for a while.

So what does this incredibly popular wonder drug do? Well, not to go all Bill Clinton on you, but it depends on what your definition of “do” is. You see, there’s (1)what the drug company markets it as, (2)the medical description of what it does and (3)the biggest effect you’re actually going to notice.

The drug company markets it as a weight loss pill. They say it will give “safe, effective weight loss”. Because it’s FDA approved it must be good. What could possibly go wrong?’

This is a repost, but the translations of the drugs warning information amused me.


Sunday, August 5, 2007


Man arrested in murder of man with fat fanny fetish

‘Manuel Cordero’s final booty call cost him his life.

The charming mechanic loved snapping Polaroid photos of the oversized posteriors of neighborhood women. But when Amanda Barrett came over for a ”photo shoot,” a pal named Perry Bailey tagged along — to rob Cordero, Miami police say.

He shot Cordero dead, stealing cash and a credit card, police say.

That’s the story outlined in an arrest warrant released Friday. Bailey, 20, was arrested two days earlier, charged with first-degree murder.

‘Sadly, his love of womens’ physiques cost him in the end,” said Miami Detective Delrish Moss, a spokesman.’


This beach rescue’s not over until the fat lady sinks

‘This holidaymaker found herself stranded in her deckchair as the tide came in and started lapping at her feet. The woman, estimated by some onlookers to weigh as much as 20 stone, had been unable to get out of the chair after its legs became firmly wedged in the shingle. [..]

But it took coastguards in yellow jumpsuits and wellington boots to rescue the turbanwearing tourist, said to be 49 and from Belgium. Two of them prised her free just as the water came up the beach, watched by a crowd of onlookers.

Ronald Coleman, 74, one of those who witnessed the distressing scene at Westcliffon-Sea, Essex, said: “The tide was racing in. She was lucky.”‘

Monday, July 23, 2007


Ice Cream Man Accused Of Swearing At Rival, Slashing Tires

‘Mellon Park in Point Breeze is meant to be an oasis from the stresses of city life, but when two rival ice cream vendors met there recently, it was anything but peaceful and calm. [..]

The woman told investigators Didiano started screaming and cursing at her in front of children, saying she was hurting his business.

Then, she said, he went back to his truck and pulled out a knife and threatened her before slashing her truck’s tires.

Didiano has been accused of a meltdown before. A couple of years ago, he was in a scuffle with a 13-year-old boy. At the time, Didiano told police the boy cursed at him and his prices.

The boy claimed Didiano wouldn’t sell him ice cream because he said he was fat.’

Friday, July 20, 2007


500-pound man pulled from river after being trapped overnight

‘Emergency workers labored through the night to rescue an ailing 500-pound man who was stranded on a stretch of the St. Croix River so shallow that rescue vehicles – including a hovercraft – were unable to approach. [..]

Rike and three friends were floating down the river Monday afternoon when Rike’s tube hit a rock and deflated, said Chief Deputy Steve Ovick of the Pine County Sheriff’s Office in Minnesota. [..]

Rike’s group called 911 shortly after 8 p.m. to report that he was ill. A paramedic who arrived by helicopter stabilized Rike, but the pilot couldn’t take him to a hospital.

“The aircraft that found him said they could not lift that amount of weight,” Ovick said.

As many as 50 rescuers on the ground eventually responded, with the first reaching Rike about 9 p.m.’


Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Tummy fat ‘can grow new breasts’

‘Fat from the tummy or bottom could be used to grow new breasts in a treatment which could be carried out in an hour – or a lunch break.

Scientists say they can create a fat mixture with concentrated stem cells, which, when injected into the breast, apparently encourages tissue to grow. [..]

Using fat from the patient’s own body to rebuild other areas is not a novel idea, but such reconstructions often fail as the fat is simply reabsorbed.

However using fat-derived stem cells appears to overcome this problem, according to the company behind the procedure, Cytori Therapeutics.’

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Office Prank On Boss

‘These guys hijack their bosses chair so that he continues to break them but he thinks its because he is overweight.’

(1.5meg Windows media)

see it here »


Sunday, July 1, 2007


Man Who Ate 15 Brekkies

‘Gutsy Barry Bradley stunned hotel staff and fellow guests by wolfing down 15 fried breakfasts.

The businessman gobbled 30 sausages, 20 rashers of bacon, 15 fried eggs, three tins of beans, eight tomatoes and an entire punnet of mushrooms in an amazing three-hour sitting.

He also had six bowls of cereal plus one and a half croissants.

And the early morning feast cost him just £7.50 through an all-you-can-eat brekkie deal.

Barry, 47, who runs a building firm, said: “I had a hangover and wanted a way of feeling better.”

A waitress at the Premier Travel Inn in Kent said: “We couldn’t believe it – he looked like he was never going to stop.”‘

Pill to make dieters ‘feel full’

‘Italian scientists have developed a pill that expands in the stomach to make dieters feel full.

They liken the effect to eating a bowl of spaghetti and say the pill can stop hunger for a few hours.

It is made from a hydrogel, which the team developed when trying to make more absorbent nappy linings, and may help in the battle against obesity.

So far it has been tested on 20 people but experts warned bigger trials would be needed to test safety.’


Sunday, June 17, 2007


Rules may frost some cereal icons

‘Toucan Sam’s Froot Loop-hawking days on Saturday morning TV may be numbered.

The Kellogg Co. said Wednesday that it would phase out advertising its products to children younger than 12 unless the foods meet specific nutrition guidelines for calories, sugar, fat and sodium.

Kellogg also announced that it would stop using licensed characters or branded toys to promote foods unless the products meet the nutrition guidelines.

The voluntary changes, which will be put in place over the next year and a half, will apply to about half the products Kellogg markets to children worldwide, including Froot Loops and Apple Jacks cereals and Pop-Tarts.’


Saturday, June 16, 2007


Diet Drug: Lose Weight, Possibly Soil Self

‘Dr. Stephen Goldberg, who heads up Jewish Hospital’s weight management program, said the drug is healthy, much more so than many of the diet drugs on the shelves today. But he said dieters must do their part, limiting their fat intake to 15 grams per meal — or else.

“You would experience bloating, you would experience loose stools, the urgency to have a bowel movement. Some people would have accidents. In general, side effects that aren’t very pleasant,” Goldberg said.’


Wednesday, June 13, 2007


700 Pound Fat Man

He eats a lot.

(19.1meg Flash video)

see it here »

Saturday, June 2, 2007


Air hostesses told to shed weight

‘An Indian court has ruled against a group of female flight attendants who were grounded from the national airline for being overweight.

The court said that state-owned Indian Airlines had the right to take the step in the interest of flight safety and in the face of growing competition.

The flight attendants had argued that the move was demeaning.

The airline began a system of measuring air hostesses based on their height and weight last year.

The Delhi High Court has ruled in favour of the airline, saying that with aircraft flying at higher altitudes, the safety of the passengers depended on the crew’s ability to perform.’


Monday, May 21, 2007


Jared Fogle, The Pornography Guy

‘You’ve come to know and love him as Jared Fogle, the guy who lost over 200 pounds by eating nothing but Subway sandwiches alone. As a result, he went from being just plain ol’ “Jared” to the much more exciting “Jared Fogle, the Subway Guy.”

Well, it turns out in college, the All-American Jared was known for something entirely different. According to our source, while studying at Indiana University, Fogle ran a very successful pornography rental company out of his bedroom. His porn collection was vast and extensive, and Fogle took his business pretty seriously. A video would run a patron a dollar a day (cheap!), and people would come from all over to take advantage of the deal. Needless to say, Jared had enough porn to keep his customers happy.’
